To support the development of the industries in Yamuna City, the Yamuna Expressway Industrial Development Authority (YEIDA) has chosen to construct three Transport Nagars. With a total size of 62,001 hectares when it is finished, the airport will rank as the second largest in Asia and the fourth largest in the globe. Global players and small industrialists from all over the world have expressed a strong interest in establishing industrial units in the nation’s capital. The largest Transport Nagar will be erected in Sector-23, followed by a second one next to the projected Film City, and a third one at Sector-33 Industrial Sector.
A thorough project study for the Transport Nagar, which will be constructed on a 25 hectare site in Sector 33 Industrial Township, is now being created. This is being designed in a location with enough room for trucks to park. It will also feature shops for maintenance and spare components.
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