Tag: assets

Only one-fourth of the road assets moved out of rough patch, post default: ICRA

Only one-fourth of the road assets moved out of rough patch, post default: ICRA

ICRA studied 1201 Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) road projects that went into default between FY2011 and FY2022. The operational phase of 86 of the [...]
Great Panther to sell Mexican mining assets to Guanajuato Silver

Great Panther to sell Mexican mining assets to Guanajuato Silver

Great Panther Mining has agreed to sell Guanajuato Silver Company 100% of its Mexican subsidiary Minera Mexicana El Rosario (MMR) (GSilver). M [...]

Rays Power Infrastructure sells assets worth more than Rs 700 crore to two international investors.

Rays Power Infra has grown to become India's largest privately held, self-funded solar project developer. The company recently sold its owned solar p [...]
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