Union Minister Shri Nitin Gadkari has announced four new highway projects worth ₹12,500 crore to tackle traffic congestion and air pollution in Delhi and nearby areas. An additional ₹1,200 crore has been approved from the Central Road and Infrastructure Fund (CRIF) for the capital.Key projects include a 20-km link from UER-II to the Delhi-Katra Expressway via KMP Expressway, costing ₹2,500 crore, to provide direct connectivity for vehicles from J&K and Punjab to IGI Airport and the Delhi-Mumbai Expressway. Another is a 35-km link from the Delhi-Dehradun Expressway to Noida, serving as an East Delhi bypass, with an investment of ₹4,400 crore.
A ₹3,500 crore, 5-km tunnel from Shiv Murti on the Delhi-Gurgaon Expressway to Nelson Mandela Road is also planned. Additionally, a 17-km link connecting UER-II at Alipur to the Delhi-Dehradun Expressway at Tronica City in Ghaziabad, costing ₹2,200 crore, will improve access for vehicles from Rajasthan and Haryana to Dehradun.Gadkari highlighted the government’s ₹60,000 crore investment in infrastructure for Delhi and its surrounding areas to address these critical issues.
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