The Maharashtra government’s Urban Development department has given the Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority (MMRDA) a grant of Rs. 2,649 crore to connect the ongoing Mumbai Trans Harbour Link (MTHL) road with the Mumbai-Pune Expressway. The new project is intended to cut travel .
time between Mumbai and Pune by at least 1.5 hours, allowing cars to travel directly to Pune from Mumbai without passing through Thane or Navi Mumbai. The Chirle-Mumbai-Pune Expressway extension will also remove the bottleneck at Navi Mumbai caused by inadequate lane connectivity, resulting in seamless traffic circulation between Mumbai and Pune. The Mumbai-Navi Mumbai High-Speed Link (MTHL) is a 21.8-kilometer-long sea-link project that would connect South Mumbai with Navi Mumbai.
The project is being carried out at a cost of 18,000 crore, and approximately 76% of the construction on the MTHL has already been finished. The MMRDA intends to complete the work by December 2023 and open the link to the public. MMRDA will upgrade the road network as part of the new extension project to speed up vehicle traffic to and from Pune and Goa.
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