The Railway Infrastructure Development Corporation (Karnataka) Limited (K-RIDE) recently conducted a financial tender for the elevated railway project between Baiyappanahalli and Chikkabanavara, announcing Larsen and Toubro as the lowest bidders. MD, KRIDE, Amit Garg informed the Tender.
Committee that documents are being reviewed to finalize the contract. K-RIDE has invited tenders for the construction of Corridor 2 (named Mallige Line, 25km in length and 14 stations), and the agency will tender for the construction of stations in the corridor and for the tenders for the remaining three corridor jobs respectively.
Swim continuously as soon as possible. K-RIDE has contracted to build a 148km commuter train network with a total investment of Rs 15,676 crore. The contractor expects to mobilize the necessary resources to the project site to begin construction within two weeks.