Category: Interior
MoRTH launches ₹2,300-cr NH projects in MP
The Union Transport Minister has laid the groundwork for three road projects and one flyover worth a total of 2,300 crores. The project involves [...]
Tulip Infratech revives ₹3,000-cr project in Gurgaon
Tulip Infratech has resurrected a 3,000 crore dormant real estate project with around six million square feet of residential and commercial space [...]
The military is buzzing with new CDS rumors, but the government prefers thorough screening to haste.
Following the Defence Ministry's request last week for the personal profiles of all military leaders and commander-in-chiefs from the three servi [...]
Now, single-window clearance for telecom infrastructure
Gandhinagar: The Gujarat government released its Telecom Infrastructure Policy 2022 on Friday, streamlining the procedure for obtaining authoriza [...]
MoRTH clears ₹4,200-cr NH project in Ayodhya
The Union transport ministry has accelerated the building of 84-Kosi Parikrama Marg in Ayodhya, which has been classified as a national highway. [...]
Coal India to open big, new mine this year to fight power crisis
BHUBANESWAR/NEW DELHI: According to officials, the state-run Coal India will launch this year what is likely to be one of the country's largest c [...]
Projects With Water Bodies Being Developed Under Amrit Sarovar Should Be Mapped By Infrastructure Agencies: PM
New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Wednesday that infrastructure agencies such as highways and railways should coordinate their init [...]
Puri Shankaracharya opposes construction work around Jagannath temple
BHUBANESWAR: Comparing the construction work around the 12th century Jagannath temple to a path of destruction, Puri Shankaracharya Swami Nischal [...]
Ragusa Minerals to earn stake in five Australian lithium tenements
Ragusa Minerals has signed a farm-in agreement with May Drilling to acquire a majority stake in five tenements in the Litchfield Pegmatite Belt in th [...]
Railways awards a contract for 39,000 trains to a Chinese player
After deliveries from other countries were hampered by the Russia-Ukraine conflict, Indian Railways awarded a contract for 39,000 train wheels to a C [...]